Moving into a new home is a milestone unlocked and can be one of life’s greatest joys, especially when it comes to sprucing up your space. With good planning and the right home furnishings, you can even make a shoebox unit look like a mansion.
Whether you are living on limited square footage or have plenty to spare, here are 4 unusual yet possible places to install your Steigen automated laundry drying system at home!

Your living room creates the first impression, so make it count. In the past, air conditioning was exclusively for bedrooms only, but as our preferences evolve, even kitchens are not overlooked. Catering a small space at the corner of your living room for your laundry may not be a bad idea after all.

2. Bedroom
In 2019, HDB 4-room flats are the most common home size in Singapore. Some homeowners are faced with a “problem” of having an extra room that sits vacant most of the time. Instead of using your room for storage and clutter, transform that extra space to a laundry room.
Better yet, why not install the system in your future nursery room? You can hang your washing while keeping a close eye on the baby.
3. Walk-in Wardrobe
From utilising a spare room to hacking down a wall, there are multiple ways to build a walk-in wardrobe and laundry room combo. It is not an impossible dream to have even when you’re living in a small flat.

When you have neither rooms to spare nor laundry to forgo drying, even the hallways of your home would have to work. Think of it this way: You would only need to hang your clothes when you’re drying it, and for most of the other time, it will be retracted to the ceiling. It might not be the most conventional idea, but it works.
Good News
Achieving the look you want is easier than you think. There is no right or wrong when it comes to home decor, so let your imagination run wild, break the norms and set your own rules.
To help get that ball rolling, arrange for a free non-obligatory site measurement that will help you narrow down which model best fits your space. No laundry is complete without drying and, Steigen is a great go-to.